Quiet Clairemont Homestay

샌디에이고 (Clairemont Mesa West)

홈스테이 미국, 샌디에이고

My name is Theresa and my home is in the Clairemont neighborhood of San Diego. Looking on a map of San Diego, this is the area just east of Mission Bay. I live on a quiet street that is within walking distance of a shopping area that includes restaurants, clothes/misc shops, banks and pharmacies. Also within walking distance is an international (halal) market and an Asian market, as well as a mosque and multiple churches. There is a bus stop on a major road approximately 15 minutes easy walking distance. And if you are studying at UCSD, the bus will take you directly to the campus in about 35 minutes. Currently I have two bedrooms available so you may be sharing a bathroom with one other guest. I live alone without pets so if you are looking for somewhere quiet to live and study, this would work well for you. I work full time during the week and do some volunteer work. I've lived in San Diego all my life and would be happy to help you explore if you'd like. I have laundry in my home for you to use but if you don't like to do laundry I would also be willing to negotiate adding laundry service for an additional fee.

I truly enjoy talking to all people and learning about other cultures and countries and would very much enjoy your visit. I've traveled only to European countries but I have so many other places I would love to learn about and (hopefully) travel to some day. I would love to hear from you if you need a peaceful and quiet home in a truly beautiful city. I wish you luck in your homestay search and your visit to the US.

호스트: Theresa
  • 해당 홈스테이에는 자녀가 없습니다
  • 호스트 비흡연
서비스 및 편의시설
  • 식사 포함여부: 아침
  • 무선 광역 인터넷 (Wi-Fi)
  • 흡연 불가
  • Self service laundry included in fee (use of machine and detergent)
입주 정보
  • 2 욕실, 1-2명 체류 가능
  • 1달 최소 체류기간
  • 이주를 원할 시 2주 사전 안내 요망

이 홈스테이에는 2개의 방이 있습니다

룸 No1: 1층

1명 체류 가능

입주 불가능


  • 침대

    • 1 × 싱글침대
  • 욕실

    • 공용 욕실 (다른 방문자와 공유)
  • 가구

    • 책상 및 의자
    • 침대 옆 작은 테이블
    • 옷장
    • 전신거울
    • 텔레비젼
    • 헤어 드라이어
룸 No2: 1층

1명 체류 가능

입주 불가능


  • 침대

    • 1 × 싱글침대
  • 욕실

    • 공용 욕실 (다른 방문자와 공유)
  • 가구

    • 책상 및 의자
    • 침대 옆 작은 테이블
    • 옷장
    • 전신거울
    • 텔레비젼
    • 헤어 드라이어
홈스테이 근처의 학교들

아래에 제시된 거리는 대략의 아이디어를 주기 위한것으로 정확한 정보는 홈스테이 가족에게 직접 문의하세요.

다른 홈스테이들도 둘러보고 싶으세요? 샌디에고 지역 내 홈스테이 목록으로 되돌아가기.